Speed work and picture overload

18 Feb 2011 by Radioactive Runner, 4 Comments »

Yesterday morning I wasn’t all that worried about my speed workout — at least before it began. To say the least it was not only a great workout for the body but also a good workout for the mind!!

Speed workout:

Aprx. 2km warm up
20 x 400m
Aprx. 2km cool down
aka crawling back to Runners’ Edge

Running the same thing over and over can really get to the head..or at least my head. But as Coach B said as I was getting tired and my form getting sloppy, “If you can do this now while your tired, you can do this during a race tired”.   Amen! That is so true.

Speed training really can help a runner physically and mentally. Physically, it can enahance the overall calorie burn of a workout, it can improve VO2 max (the amount of oxygen produced during a workout), and can help with trimming seconds or even minutes off personal records. I think speed training helps to improve ones overall running performance. What do you think? Mentally it can help because well, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?

Even though I was very tired during my workout, quitting wasn’t even an option for me. Sure, I could have backed out and only completed 10 or 13 intervals but that wouldn’t help me on race day would it? Definitely not. I think days like yesterday will help me get through my race thats less than a month and a half away… eeek!! On race day, I will remember the sweat and pain and be confident that I can finish because if I can do it during training, I must can do it on race day.

It was so beautiful out yesterday! When I left the house it was already 6 degrees. AH-MAZING! It was nice to run without having to put 500 layers on. I know this weather is just a tease though and that the snow and cold biotches will be back to get us. Until then, I am going to soak as much sun and warmth up as I can!!

GMan and I did exactly that in the afternoon.

We went for a walk (I don’t know what I was thinking because my legs were already screaming at me from being so tired) on the trails near our house. We had as much fun as a bunch of ten year olds at Chucky Cheeses. I don’t know if it’s because for once we weren’t a pair of Oompa-Loompas with our winter gear or because the sun was getting to our head. Either way it was a great way to pass the afternoon.

Get ready for an overload of pictures of US! :)

which way to go?

sorry for the crap quality. i don't know what the dealio is

take me home! i'm tired and so are my legs.

Do you add speed work into your training plan?
~ Yes! I really do notice a difference and feel that it makes me run stronger

What do you like to do to relax and let loose?
~ Just relax and have fun… and forget about everything that comes along with being a grown-up.. or at least try to :)


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  1. lindsay says:

    you are gorgeous! Love those speed drills. WOW! I bet that felt good. Enjoy your warm weather. A much needed break from the winter chill.


  2. Kristie says:

    Hey Gorgeous!! Keep up the good work!
    I was looking through the pictures and was going to just write burrrrrr cause your crazy wearing no coat in that one. :) Then I noticed a few down and saw your “BURS” all over your coat. Looks like you and hubby had a fun time walking!

  3. […] .. remember how I commented on how nice it was the other day?  Well it went from being 10 degrees to MINUS three but feeling like -11 with high gust winds. […]

  4. […] snowy blizzard. Oh Canada! What a difference from the last few days. Remember the little adventure I had with GMan? Forget that and welcome back the snow. Today is definitely a day to run on the […]

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