16 Dec

Thought for Friday

When I went to a Young Adult Cancer Canada retreat back in 2009, I was given something on the last day by one of my [awesome] fellow Cancer survivors. It has been posted on my fridge ever since. I think it’s a good reminder and something I like to read on days like today. When I’m questioning myself or feeling a little stressed out. Take a read and let the words soak in:

May today you have peace within
May you trust that at this moment you are exactly where you were meant to be
May you not forget the infinite possibilities born of faith in yourself and others
May you use the gifts you have received and pass on the love you have been given
May you be content with yourself exactly as you are
Let this knowledge settle into your bones
And allow your soul to sing, dance, praise, and love


~ Happy Friday! ~

13 Dec

Running and Venting

The month of December seems to be flying by… anyone else feel that way? Maybe because it’s a busy month.. but in any case I am trying to enjoy it as much as I can.

This weekend we went to an  "Oh Canada eh? Dinner Show" for G-Man’s work party. I had never been before so I didn’t really know what to expect. I guess I should tell you that I love musical theatre. I was involved in musical theatre for seven or so years when I was younger and loved it! Anyways… the actors in the show were also the servers which was a little strange but worked out. The vocals were good and the show was pretty funny – a silly funny. It was a nice night out with some great people and you can never go wrong with good company! IMG_2792——————————————
I have been loving the mix lately between running and strength training.
IMG_2778On my runs, I’ve felt good and happy with my pace. I had a great 10km run this morning and ran between a 5:20 – 5:24 pace throughout. I wonder if I would be enjoying running this much if I was training for something or if it would change how I feel? Maybe that doesn’t make any sense but I guess what I’m trying to say (and decide) is if I should keep running for fun and pure pleasure during the winter OR train for Around the Bay? I know I’ve mentioned it before but I feel really torn right now on what to do but I know come race day, if I’m not registered, I will be crying and boohooing wishing that I had of trained. My internal battle with my indecisiveness never ends, I tell you.
 These shoes have lost their tread and are worn down. I don’t really want to fall on my face anytime soon, so I’ve decided I’m going to buy some new shoes. I have been doing some research online and I know the ones I want and everything but let me tell you.. it absolutely infuriates me the difference in pricing on running gear between Canada and the States. It’s ludicrous. I had some time to kill the other day after work and slipped over to an overpriced running store aka: The Running Room to take a look around. Here in Canada Mizuno Wave Rider 15 are $155.00 – $154.99 to be exact – without taxes- and in the States they are $114.99 at regular price. On OnlineShoes.com I found them for $86.00 with a promo code plus free shipping — but of course, only in the States. If I were to order shoes online the $114.99 ends up being so much more when you add on shipping, 13% tax plus duty fees to bring it across the border. Call me cheap but it’s not worth it in my eyes and the thought of paying $155.00 plus tax for shoes when I know I can get them cheaper maddens me. Why is there such a difference… just because we’re Canadians we get screwed on the pricing. It’s the same with running apparel as well. I was looking at a pair of new tights for winter running and same thing: they are over $100.00 in store and online (in the States) they are anywhere from $60.00-$70.00. What’s the deal!? Now you know why I wear the same gear most of the time. Any one else share in my frustration?

9 Dec

Gymboss WINNER!

Well another weekend will soon be upon us and I hope that you all have a FABULOUS weekend. I am hoping to get out for a longer run tomorrow morning. I tried that yesterday but it didn’t turn out so well. I will spare you the details… but I will tell you that I had to cut it short because I thought I was going lose some important body parts from not being dressed properly in the cold. Omg it was so painful. Stupid move #1 for this Winter and let’s hope it’s the last.

Today I’m sticking to warmth and doing my Yoga Meltdown video. A quick but great workout that I enjoy doing.

Winner of the GYMBOSS Interval Timer: Using the true random number generator the winner is Lindsay from Cotter Crunch!! Lindsay, please email me your mailing address in NZ and you can pick what color GYMBOSS you would like HEREA big thank you to GYMBOSS for sponsoring this giveaway.

~Run hard, eat well and live better


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Thanks for stopping by! I am a runner, a wife, a stepmother and a cancer survivor. Hablo español and parlo italiano. I run hard, eat well, and I am trying to live better everyday because we only have one chance at this adventure called life. I will be writing about these topics and everything in between. Take a look around and stay for awhile!

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