7 Dec

Running and TBL talk

I am soo happy to write that yesterday I had an awesome run. I wanted to run and run and run and felt so good despite the cold. I was able to keep my pace consistent and tried to focus on good form. I should just stop mentioning the weather and just suck it up because it’s not going to change and only get worse, right. It had been a few days since my last run so I wasn’t sure how far I would go but was content with 10.4km. 

Today I did this workout and my arms are still shaking. Holy hannah, it’s a good one and never gets old. Let me know if you try it, homies.

I made some double chocolate banana muffins for G-Man yesterday. YUM! Of course, I didn’t follow the recipe completely but they turned out mighty good. IMG_2753

IMG_2736We now have no chocolate in the house and I’m starting to get the shakes because of it. Even though, I know it’s more safe and in my best interested to not have it around because when it’s in the house, I’ll eat it all. This cake mix has been haunting me for awhile now but I’m trying to be good and wait and make it with the kids, so I don’t eat it all myself.  How thoughtful, right? I thought so.

So last night was the one-show-left-until-the-finale of The Biggest Loser. What did you all think? I loved it! All of the contestants came back and ran a marathon. Yes, a MARATHON. I am in no way minimizing or criticising how far the contestants have come and their success but I’m not sure how they could be ready to run a marathon? Were they assigned personal trainers once sent home to help them train and prepare to run 26.2 miles? Just because someone goes to the gym everyday, in my opinion, doesn’t mean they are ready to run a full marathon. Or does it? If they have the mindset to complete it, maybe they are ready. I know it’s TV and we don’t see everything but still… you would at least think someone would help them with their form so they don’t tire themselves out so quickly, no? Tell me, what do YOU think?
I still thought it was amazing and I almost cried and almost, just almost signed up to run a marathon myself. Especially imagining Dolvett being at certain miles to cheer me on along the way. Thank goodness, I came to my senses before doing so, eh.The Biggest Loser


If you could have ONE person meet you halfway through a race for inspiration/motivation, who would it be?
~Dolvett.. TOTALLY kidding!! Ohh, that’s such a HARD question. I have soo many important people in my life who inspire me, it would be a hard choice.

**Don’t forget to enter the GymBoss giveaway. You have until Friday!!

6 Dec

Take one… I mean four.

Happy rainy Monday Tuesday morning to you all. I hope the sun is shining wherever you are and that you had a GREAT weekend!

G-Man and I had a relaxing weekend which was a nice change. Other than working a bit we watched a couple movies and had a nice visit with some close friends Saturday night. You know the type of friends that when you get together your stomach and jaw hurts from laughing so much? yes, those friends.. I just love them. They never fail to make us smile.  We ate something different as well.. my handsome man was quite thrilled about it because it was authentic Mexican food that is very uncommon and hard to find here: tacos de lingua.IMG_2770I don’t think you want to know the translation for that but I’ll tell you anyways: [cow] tongue tacos. I was a little grossed out but tried it none the less and it was actually pretty good. I mean, I wouldn’t go out searching for cow tongue that’s for sure, but I’m glad I tried it.

I think I pulled a muscle near my adductor muscles on my right leg. It hurts to sit down, stand up and there seems to be a constant pain in that area. Any idea how to shake it? I don’t know what I did either. I really noticed it when I woke up Sunday morning. I didn’t do any vigorous exercise this weekend either because of it other than ride my bike a bit. Although, I did keep my word and attempted made this little video.  I went to bed at 3am the night before (and I was totally stressing out each time I looked at the clock because I hate staying up that late… I’m such a granny) and I was tired. In the video, my form is bad, my burpees are weak and well, I won’t even comment on the push-ups!  However, it felt good to get a little workout in nonetheless. Enjoy watching me stumble over my words :)

PS: Waving hand in front of face means “cut”. Obviously.
PSS: I had this post ready to upload yesterday morning but things were not working in my favour and the video was taking way to darn long to upload. Got to love technology eh.

2 Dec

Happy Friday Giveaway!

A traumatic experience occurred this morning even before it was light outside. As I was rooting through my drawer where my running gear may or may not be neatly organized, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. As I slowly turned my head, I saw a SPIDER hanging in mid-air.  A big (ok, not that big) ugly green looking spider. As I began to panic, I bolted to the bathroom, grabbed a Kleenex to, well, you know… get rid of it. Thankfully G-Man nor the boys were home to make me feel bad and think twice about killing it. I SO dislike spiders.

As I stepped out the door for a run, it started to rain/wet snow and continued throughout my run. Although that didn’t stop me from getting a good 7km run in.  It took me the first km to get warmed up as it was a cool cold morning. Time to put my mizuno tights away and unpack the warmer ones.
Lately, I have mentioned how much I am loving high intensity workouts. One reason WHY I am loving them so much is because of my new revolutionary tool that I have been using.                                                                                                                                                                                            IMG_2759IMG_2763Have you ever had to stop in the middle of a workout to reset your watch or from worrying about the time and it being accurate? I know I most definitely have and I find it so frustrating because it interrupts my workouts. Well, my friends let me introduce to you, my Gymboss Interval Timer!!  Those of you who follow BodyRock.tv are probably already familiar with it but for those of you who aren’t… take a look:

~Gymboss Interval timer allows us to take our workouts to the next level and push harder without being interrupted which in the long run means better results
~ it is an interval timer AND stopwatch
~ the Gymboss timer is compact and VERY lightweight
~ it has one or two different time intervals from 2 seconds to 99 minutes
~ repeat up to 99 times
~ there are lots of pretty colors to choose from :)
~ full option of alarm duration and whether alarm sounds, beeps or vibrates
~ QUALITY product for only $19.95 with EXCELLENT customer service

I will post some pictures of one of my workouts using the Gymboss or share a video as soon as I figure out how to upload it… I never said I’m super tech savvy. I so love my Gymboss because there is nothing that holds me back during my workouts in regards to time. I set it up accordingly, press start and push as hard as I can until I hear that “beep”. I don’t have to stop to look at my watch or run to the stove to restart the timer for another round. Yes, I know.. ridiculous.

Gymboss is kindly GIVING AWAY ONE INTERVAL TIMER to one Radioactive Runner reader!! (try saying that 3 times!)

To enter all you have to do is:
Comment on this post and tell me what your favourite workout/exercise is
Extra entry for blogging, facebooking or tweeting about this awesome giveaway

A winner will be selected on Friday December 9th.

Have a GREAT weekend!!!


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Thanks for stopping by! I am a runner, a wife, a stepmother and a cancer survivor. Hablo español and parlo italiano. I run hard, eat well, and I am trying to live better everyday because we only have one chance at this adventure called life. I will be writing about these topics and everything in between. Take a look around and stay for awhile!

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