22 Feb

GU-ey and Granola

I hope all of you had a great long weekend… and for those of you who didn’t get the day off.. I hope you still had a good weekend! 

I mentioned that I tried Gu Chomps for the first time, on my last run . I REALLY liked them. I’m still trying to decide if I like them better the Clif Shot Bloks … and I actually think I do.

For one, I think they are a little bigger in size. Maybe it’s my imagination? I tried the watermelon flavor – with no caffeine. Remember? I don’t do well with caffeine!. I really liked the watermelon, it was a bit tangy and I found it refreshed my mouth more than the lemon-lime Clif Bloks. They are definitely “GU-ier” and desolve better aswell. Two big chomps (no pun intended), a swig of water later and they are down. Maybe next time I’ll try the blueberry pomegranate flavor… that sounds pretty good, don’t you think?

In regards to price comparison between the two I think the Clif Bloks take the lead (not by much though). I checked online and for a box with 18 packs it costs $35.75 and for a box of 16 packs of the Gu Chomps it’s $35.20 (both have 60g/pack), so more bang for your buck with the Clif Bloks. If you read the small print you’ll see that GU Chomps (for 30g) have:
90 calories
50mg of sodium
11g of sugars
100 % vitamin C and 100% vitamin E and is gluten free.

The Clif Bloks are pretty comparable other than they do not have any vitamins and are made with 95% organic ingredients.

Personally because it’s not much of a difference, I would go by what works best for me and flavor… or my mood.

Have you ever tried Sport Beans? I have always wanted to try them but haven’t yet… and to be honest, I probably won’t before race day.

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Time for some FOODSPIRE!

I don’t remember the last time I bought a box of granola bars. It has become a weekly thing in our house to make homemade granola bars and I love it! These bars are definitely my favorite!! My cousin shared this recipe with me but I adapted it a bit and substituted ingredients to my liking. So don’t be afraid to experiment with your favorite ingredients to find a taste that you love.

Better than Boxed Granola Bars

~ 2 cups rolled oats
~ 1/4 cup raw brown sugar (or 3/4 regular brown sugar)
~ 1/2 cup wheat germ
~ 1/2 cup flax seed (optional)
~ 3/4 tspn. ground cinnamon
~ 1 cup almond flour (or all-purpose flour)
~ 1/2 cup chocolate chips (or more!)
~ 1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut (optional)
~ 3/4 tspn. salt
~ 1/2 cup honey
~ 1 egg, beaten
~ 1/2 cup vegetable oil
~ 2 tspn. vanilla extract


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Generously grease a 9×13 inch baking pan.

In a large bowl, mix all dry ingredients together.

Make a well in the center, and pour in the honey, egg, oil and vanilla.

Mix well. Don’t get discouraged if it seems dry. Pat the mixture evenly into the prepared pan.

Bake for 30 to 35 minutes in the preheated oven, until the bars begin to turn golden at the edges. Cool for 5 minutes, then cut into bars while still warm. If the bars cool completely before cutting, they may be too hard to cut.


PS: I have used regular flour to make these bars but I now only use almond flour. I like the texture it gives the bar and don’t find them to be as hard. I have also substituted the oil for apple sauce, although I don’t reccommend it. Go big or go home! GMan did not enjoy them as much. The apple flavor was a bit overpowering and the texture wasn’t the greatest.

19 Feb

Rolling hills and mixed emotions

Today was a BIG day in regards to my training plan. I ran the last part of the Around the Bay course with my amazing running buddies.

Let’s start from the beginning though..

Yesterday there were moments throughout the day where I felt SO nervous about my run today. It was the type of nerves that I get before a race, but worse because my stomach was giving me some trouble and I was praying that it would be gone by morning. Thankfully it was.

I was really trying to prepare myself mentally and think positively about todays run. I figured that if I feel good and do well running the course this weekend then hopefully I will do the same come race day. I also knew that I would be running the hardest part of the course; so it would really prepare me and give me an idea of what the last part of the course is like.

Oh, .. remember how I commented on how nice it was the other day?  Well it went from being 10 degrees to MINUS three but feeling like -11 with high gust winds. Awesome eh!!


I had one Chi3 drink before I started and was off. I had a hard time warming up before I even started, so I wore 3 shirts plus my wind jacket, tights and wind pants. The first 12km went well. I was trying to find my groove while enjoying the beautiful scenery along the water and some conversation with two of my running friends. I reached 12.5km in 1:06, felt pretty good and I had my second Chi3 drink. I also tried the GU Chomps  for the first time today (more on that later).

When we turned around to head back, I found it a bit more windy. Ok, a lot more windy. I slowed my pace down and tried to focus on my form. I forgot to mention one important thing: the course we ran today is VERY hilly; it’s full of rolling hills. The last 35 minutes of my run sucked big time and I found it really tough. My mind was definitely getting in the way. At around 1:37 when I was trying to pump up a hill (like a turtle) I stopped and had a little break down (dramatic, I know). My head was telling me to stop but my heart wanted to keep going. I was thinking if I was having this much trouble today, HOW in the WORLD will I be able to do it on race day? I drank some water and tried to snap out of it. Ten minutes later Coach B pulled up and drove beside me for a few minutes and tried to knock some sense into me. Thanks Coach B :)

encouraging words from Coach B!

Today we ran the hardest part of the Around the Bay course TWICE! We had a really hard week of training and it was also our highest mileage yet. The weather conditions also played a factor. Coach B reminded me that I shouldn’t be so hard on myself. Yes, my run didn’t go as well as I had hoped but I should still feel pretty darn good to have accomplished 25km in 2:18 for my first time ever… and I do :)

WHY is it that once my mind gets in the way and I psych myself out, it’s SO hard to snap out of it? Does anyone else have this problem? I know I just need to tell myself “shut the hell up and RUN” but sometimes that seems so hard. I don’t know why I felt so emotional after my run today either… maybe from being mad at myself about my run or maybe from just feeling happy that I accomplished a first. Talk about mixed emotions.

On the drive home I decided that I’m going to focus on the positive. I ran through sweat, wind and tears today. I am part of an amazing group of runners full of incredible support and have a wicked Coach. That is definitely something to be thankful for!

Are you ever too hard on yourself?  How do you ‘snap’ out of it?

when we were leaving, I saw this crazy dressed in SHORTS and a TSHIRT. WHAT WAS HE THINKING?!! It was freeeezing out!

18 Feb

Speed work and picture overload

Yesterday morning I wasn’t all that worried about my speed workout — at least before it began. To say the least it was not only a great workout for the body but also a good workout for the mind!!

Speed workout:

Aprx. 2km warm up
20 x 400m
Aprx. 2km cool down
aka crawling back to Runners’ Edge

Running the same thing over and over can really get to the head..or at least my head. But as Coach B said as I was getting tired and my form getting sloppy, “If you can do this now while your tired, you can do this during a race tired”.   Amen! That is so true.

Speed training really can help a runner physically and mentally. Physically, it can enahance the overall calorie burn of a workout, it can improve VO2 max (the amount of oxygen produced during a workout), and can help with trimming seconds or even minutes off personal records. I think speed training helps to improve ones overall running performance. What do you think? Mentally it can help because well, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?

Even though I was very tired during my workout, quitting wasn’t even an option for me. Sure, I could have backed out and only completed 10 or 13 intervals but that wouldn’t help me on race day would it? Definitely not. I think days like yesterday will help me get through my race thats less than a month and a half away… eeek!! On race day, I will remember the sweat and pain and be confident that I can finish because if I can do it during training, I must can do it on race day.

It was so beautiful out yesterday! When I left the house it was already 6 degrees. AH-MAZING! It was nice to run without having to put 500 layers on. I know this weather is just a tease though and that the snow and cold biotches will be back to get us. Until then, I am going to soak as much sun and warmth up as I can!!

GMan and I did exactly that in the afternoon.

We went for a walk (I don’t know what I was thinking because my legs were already screaming at me from being so tired) on the trails near our house. We had as much fun as a bunch of ten year olds at Chucky Cheeses. I don’t know if it’s because for once we weren’t a pair of Oompa-Loompas with our winter gear or because the sun was getting to our head. Either way it was a great way to pass the afternoon.

Get ready for an overload of pictures of US! :)

which way to go?

sorry for the crap quality. i don't know what the dealio is

take me home! i'm tired and so are my legs.

Do you add speed work into your training plan?
~ Yes! I really do notice a difference and feel that it makes me run stronger

What do you like to do to relax and let loose?
~ Just relax and have fun… and forget about everything that comes along with being a grown-up.. or at least try to :)


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Thanks for stopping by! I am a runner, a wife, a stepmother and a cancer survivor. Hablo español and parlo italiano. I run hard, eat well, and I am trying to live better everyday because we only have one chance at this adventure called life. I will be writing about these topics and everything in between. Take a look around and stay for awhile!

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