Random Tuesday

8 Mar 2011 by Radioactive Runner, 13 Comments »

Today is a good day. First off the sun is shining which makes everything much better. I know, I know… it may seem like I mention the weather a lot but it goes from one extreme to the other. After running in the rain  for two hours on Saturday and it pouring all day, we woke up to a bunch of snow on Sunday. Why Why why… ANYWAYS, I’m not complaining…

Today, I had a good run. I ran 13km easy run, just to get some miles in. I ran it in 1:06 so about an average 5:07 pace/km. I had to go pee the entire time so maybe that’s why I was boogy-ing. To much information? Sorry… hey, I’m sure some of you runners out there have some funny stories to tell..don’t deny it. When you got to go, you got to go.

I was so stylish... way back in the day; my first time training through winter

I have decided that I haven’t been running enough lately and I think that’s why my legs feel so heavy and slow. Before when I was running on my own, I would run about 6 days a week and Monday would be my rest day after a long run on Sunday (when training). With my training schedule that I follow now, I should be running about 5 days a week.. which isn’t a big difference, right? Right. The problem is, is that I haven’t been running 5 days a week lately. For example the day after my last couple of long runs, I haven’t been able to do my recovery runs because my knee has been so sore. So I tell myself, it’s better to take the day off rather than do more damage.. which makes sense most days.
But I feel like I need to force myself to get out there and do my recovery runs unless my knee is throbbing with pain. No wonder my ass is getting bigger and my time is getting slower. Race day is only 18 days away… this means serious business.

With that being said.. I am happy with todays run and feel GOOD!

Ok, so the other day I tried something…. and I don’t think I will be trying it for a very long time. I made carrot juice in my good ol’ vitamix. I had a bunch of baby carrots to use up from the massive bag I bought at Costco. PS: I HATE wasting food. So I decided to make carrot juice to use them up. I strained it a couple of times so the juice would be… well, juice only. I chugged drank two heaping cups of carrot juice and it was tasty okay. I was just thinking of all the nutrients and how healthy it must be… right?

I tried to pawn some off offer GMan some but he kindly refused and reminded me that the last two times he drank carrot juice it came right back up shortly thereafter.

 As I was pouring the rest (as in two more full cups) my mouth began to get really watery and my stomach not so hot… you know.. that feeling when you are about to be sick. So I want to know…. what is up with carrot juice that it makes GMan and I sick?! It’s weird if you ask me..because I can eat carrots no problem!

I’m happy to tell all of you Chobani lovers out there, (as if you’ll really care), that I finally tried a couple different flavors and I loved them! I think I liked these more than the vanilla since they had a bit of color from the fruit, they didn’t remind me so much of sour cream.

Now that I’ve just told you some random embarrassing things about me……. tell me something funny about you, so I don’t feel like such a loner!


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  1. melanie says:

    When I started running long distances a few years ago, I’d run like a happy puppy. I ‘d have pee dripping down my legs and have no control over it. ( A wondeful affliction for women who have had many babies.) After having a very succesful bladder lift I can now run for miles without a drip to be felt! How do you like that embarrassing tidbit ,Sabrina?!

    • Radioactive Runner says:

      haha Melanie, you are awesome!! At least it’s fixed now, right :)
      Oh, the things I have to look forward to when I have babies.

  2. lindsay says:

    LOL! DId you turn orange after you drank all that? Nice run today, I still don’t know how you run in that cold…BURRRRRR!

  3. Laura says:

    Oh man..the stuff me and my group talk about when we run…nothing is sacred!
    I cannot do vegetable drinks….I love veggies but in drink form…ugh.

  4. Celine says:

    I get the hiccups every single time I eat raw carrots. Not cooked carrots, only raw. Another hiccup culprit is fresh, crusty bread.

    My mother is the same way which makes it funny at family dinners when we both start hiccuping at the same time. Who knows, we may have discovered a rare hereditary hiccuping gene!

  5. […] mentioning the importance of recovery runs, I was sure to get mine in on Wednesday and it felt great. It was awesome to be out the door for an […]

  6. Mari-Ann says:

    Hey S!
    Sooo funny about the carrot juice — just watch how many of those bagged baby carrots you eat because “I heard They” use clorine to clean them during processing. I am going to look into this further because I love baby carrots! Just maybe thats why you’re so sick after?
    And, we had the Chobani yogurt in Greece while we were there and it was yummmmy!! My sister told me only recently they sell it in North America,, where do you get it?

    More to come on the carrots… Tootles!

    • Radioactive Runner says:

      Hey Mari-Ann!!
      Oh myyy, I never even thought of that… the products they use to clean the carrots with. I bet you that’s why. Thanks for the info and I will definitely remember that the next time I get the urge to down 4 cups of carrot juice haha.

      I haven’t seen the Chobani yogurt anywhere in Canada yet… my parents bring it back for me from the States. I think there is a new greek yogurt at zerhs that might be worth trying… until Chobani is sold in Canada anyways! let me know if you find it anywhere though :)

  7. […] Remember how much I loved Chobani yogurt when I tried it awhile back? and remember how they don’t sell it here in Canada? Well, I found a Greek yogurt that I like […]

  8. […] when I expressed my love for Chobani yogurt AND my sadness that it’s not available here in Canada? Well guess what? […]

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