Getting old and loaded with protein

1 Dec 2011 by Radioactive Runner, 1 Comment »

This morning I stepped out the door as G-Man was leaving for work thinking that I would get out the door for a run shortly there after… well, let me tell you.. I jumped right back inside, hummed and hawed for a few minutes and decided to workout inside instead. I find the the transition of Winter to be so difficult. With that being said, I need to suck it up and lace up and get out the door because I really am itching to go for a run. I did however have a great workout. radioactive runner

I did level 2 of Yoga Meltdown and about 40 jump squats on the TRX.  If you haven’t tried that video yet, I highly recommend it!  If you need an extra push [and let’s face it, sometimes we all do] go and read this motivational letter!
Look what we did last night… IMG_2711G-Man needs glasses, so he went to pick them out. He wasn’t overly excited but I told him he should be happy that he hasn’t needed them sooner… and that that’s what happens when you get old ;)  I’m obviously kidding though!! He was also quite please that I documented the whole thing.

This morning I made a green shake and put the usual in which is a banana, chocolate milk and a blender full of spinach (normally I add protein powder but I’m all out right now) and for some odd reason, I added a few pieces of pineapple. Worst. mistake. ever. Don’t do it! It tasted awful. I chugged about two and a half cups of it to try and get it down but couldn’t do any more. I hate wasting but this morning I just had to.
Remember how much I loved Chobani yogurt when I tried it awhile back? and remember how they don’t sell it here in Canada? Well, I found a Greek yogurt that I like almost just as much.
oikos yogurt

Oikios Greek Yogurt. I bought the plain kind because it has less sugar and I like adding homemade jam to add flavour.  The nutritional facts are great.. 120 calories in 3/4 cup, 4 g of fat, 7g of sugar and carbs and 17 g of PROTEIN! I was pretty impressed with the amount of protein it has. So for all of you Canadians that enjoy Chobani, you should give this one a try too!


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One Comment

  1. Bonnie says:

    Thanks for the shout-out, friend! I really do appreciate it. Good reminder for us all.

    And I like GMan’s glasses! Kinda neat to see the process too…looks very high tech. And I’m with you on that brand of Greek yogurt…we are lacking options here north of the border so I’m glad we have this – it’s delicious!

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