Race Recap:: Around The Bay

27 Mar 2012 by Radioactive Runner, 11 Comments »

Sunday was the 118th Around The Bay road race in Hamilton. I woke up with enough time to have a bowl of oatmeal with a bit of milk and maple syrup. I knew I needed something as the race didn’t start until 9:30am. I was surprised at how relaxed I felt all morning..not that nervous and was just looking forward to the run! around-the-bay-course-map

race-day-radioactive-runnerWe got to Copps Coliseum at 8:30am after driving around the block a few times to find a parking spot. It was a chilly morning and I was regretting my choice of gear that I put on that morning; I was thinking I should have put on something warmer. It’s really convenient that runners can wait inside Cops Coliseum right up until the race starts so I was able to warm up. My Mom and Dad met G-Man and I in Hamilton; it was so nice of them to make the drive down! After a bit of stretching and a trip to the bathroom, I headed to the start line with a few of my amigos from Runner’s Edge. I just want to say that although I didn’t train for ATB with Runner’s Edge this year, they are still the best and most supportive group around. It was so nice to see Coach B in the morning and quite a few other familiar faces!
around-the-bay-road-raceThe gun sounded and we were off! I wanted to go out fairly slow because I knew I was going to need that extra energy for the last 10km. I was feeling good, embracing and watching the thousands of other runners around me. It was an extra energy boost seeing my handsome man and the parentals cheering along the course at the beginning too, loved that! So we’re not even 5km in and I had to go pee.. dang it. There was no way I could hold it for another 25km so I stopped at the first porta potties. Thankfully there were only two people in front of me, so it was pretty quick.

Within the first 10km, I could feel my quads starting to get very sore.. probably because I hadn’t ran the week before, at least that’s what I thought. My legs didn’t feel heavy just sore. I pushed through but was starting to slow right down. I so badly wanted to turn on my iPod but told myself to wait until the 16km marker and then have at ‘er. I don’t know why.. I just had to reach 16km before turning it on.  At every KM marker there was an inspirational quote which I loved reading and repeating them in my head. Then I started thinking "what the hell, Sabrina.. you’re crazy, you still have so far to go; 30km is FAR." I wasn’t psyching myself out, I was just asking myself what the heck I got myself into and why do runners like to make themselves suffer? One thing I noticed is that I was much more aware of the course this year and really taking it all in. It really is a pretty course to run along and so many supporters out cheering with their cow bells and encouraging signs. around-the-bay-helicopter-man

around-the-bay-mickey-handsOk, so I reach 16km and finally turn my iPod on. YEAH! This music is really going to help me kick it for a strong finish. Ok, so it didn’t do that but it did help me make it to the finish line. My body was quite tired and my legs just weren’t turning over. at.all. What the heck?!
It was very hot out. So much for being cold in the morning.. I wish I had of ran in a tank top! I don’t know if it was the heat or what but I was sooooo thirsty. Water was not quenching my thirst, so at one of the water stations I grabbed a cup of Gatorade and also grabbed an orange slice at another point. Nothing was cutting it, I was craving a diet coke (which is so strange because I NEVER drink pop) and couldn’t get it out of my head.

The last 10km was the longest and slowest 10km of.my.life. Seriously. I hit the 20km mark at about 2 hours and didn’t cross the finish line for another hour and fifteen minutes. I know my time sucked the big one, like REALLY big but I was okay with it. Once I realized that my body was tired and didn’t have any kick to give, I just wanted to cross the finish line (on my two feet) and enjoyed being out there, exercising on a beautiful day!  The rolling hills kicked my ass especially the massive one at 26km but that’s okay. I’ll get it back.. I’m not sure when though because I told G-Man that if I even mention registering for ATB next year, to talk me out of it.

About a KM away from the finish line I hear "RUN, MAMITA RUN!" and feel G-Man pushing me from behind to get moving. What a nice surprise to see him!!  That was enough to get me going and pick it up to finish.
radioactive-runner-around-the-bayradioactive-runner-around-the-bayradioactive-runner-around-the-bayI was so happy to cross that finish line, you have no idea. Ok, I’m sure you runners out there probably do have an idea. We got our medals, some water and walked through a line to gather some crap post race fuel (a nature valley granola bar, a banana, a rice krispie square and some type of pita bread). I was looking for some chocolate milk but it was nowhere to be found! Only water and cups of Gatorade. I chugged two glasses of Gatorade and headed towards the escalator to get upstairs and find my family. It was SO crowded; smelly, tired, and some hurt runners all waiting to use the ONE working escalator. The air was so stuffy and I felt so closed in I thought I was going to pass out. I got upstairs and realized I couldn’t go looking for G-Man because I was in fact going to pass out. I made it around the corner where I knew some of the Runner’s Edge crew would be hanging out. I layed on the floor and thankfully didn’t end up passing right out but definitely was not feeling good. I was totally overheating. A few of my friends helped me get my shirt and shoes off. I warned them my feet were nasty but they kindly reminded me that all of our feet are nasty, we’re runners!

I am SO happy that I was able to finish and have another race under my belt. I accomplished a goal, pushed myself and proved that I CAN do it which is such a FANTASTIC feeling!! 
The winner of the 30km finished in 1:33 with a pace of 3:07/km.. umm.. that’s pure craziness!!

Congrats to all who ran this weekend.. no matter what time you finished in you should be proud!!

~Shout out to Ali from Running With Spatulas who I met on the course… who was actually running with Spatulas! It was nice meeting you!! You can also read her race recap HERE.


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  1. Ali Mc says:

    Thanks for the shout out! and GREAT recap. To be honest I felt like such a loser complaining about the last 10k …when that was all I had to run :P You did the full thing in an awesome time! I thought you looked really hard core when we met up ;) lol

    Congrats! Maybe we’ll see each other next year…..are you in the area??? we should do our long runs together!

  2. […] I saw these cool grim reapers around the 27k mark and gave one a spatula high five. I met another blogger while racing and to my surprise I actually remember her blog name – Radioactive Runner she did the whole 30k so I can’t wait to read her recap! […]

  3. Laura says:

    You must have been so hot! I was dumping cups of water on myself at around the 23km mark. I actually did a little cheer whenever we hit the shady parts of the run.

  4. Sabrina says:

    very hot! Weather wise, it was much better than last year though so I’m not complaining :) I hope you had a great run!!

  5. congrats on finishing with a good attitude! sometimes a pace doesn’t pan out, but finishing is always a major achievement

  6. […] to fall into the mouth cart. G-Man: if you go along with it, I might share them with you! 3. After my race, I didn’t want to cook and quite frankly didn’t really want to move. On the way home, […]

  7. Mari-Ann says:

    So Happy for you Sabrina! I was reading it like a book and when you said G-Man came behind you for that last push I almost got a little misty! Great writing, and great running!! Keep going!! :):)

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