Dang mosquitos

2 Aug 2011 by Radioactive Runner, 3 Comments »

I hope you all had a great [long!] weekend! I know I did… it was SUNNY, very HOT and spent with FAMILY…. and mosquitos. Couldn’t ask for anything better minus the mosquitos of course.

G-Man and I went to visit my parents. It was a much needed visit and break from our daily lives here at home.

I didn’t get a long run in this weekend because quite frankly, I was very tired. I set my alarm but ended up not getting up. I did however take advantage of my parents treadmill and ran a good 1 hour. It was a nice change to not be squinting the entire time from the sun in my eyes.

double chins are in, don't ya know.

As per usual, I was sweating buckets…. and buckets. TMI? Maybe.

post run, outside trying to cool down

I wanted to get a run in because G-Man and I went out for these the night before

I just want to tell you that both of these are SMALLS… aren’t they MASSIVE!?! I couldn’t believe it when they handed the cone to me. Don’t get me wrong, I was jumping for joy at first but that slowly changed as I realized just how big it was. This ice cream place is so good and always so busy. They have over 65 flavors to chose from… which is just crazyness for someone who is so indecisive like me. Walking back and forth looking at all the flavors, trying to pick the best one. Of course once I found out a small was two scoops, I just had to pick two flavors. After pacing the window, looking at the different options, I decided on chocolate peanut butter and strawberry cheesecake. G-Man chose creme brulee… I KNOW, I couldn’t believe that was an ice cream flavor either!!

Throughout the short time that we were at my parents, I was lucky enough to visit with two of my amazing girl friends. I have such an incredible group of girls, whom I miss dearly, so it’s always really nice to have the chance to catch up a bit.

So about those dang mosquitos…. as I sit here and write this I am contemplating what would be easier, cut my legs off or continue scratching non-stop. Who ever said to “just leave them and don’t scratch” obviously never had a mosquito bite before. We had a campfire Sunday night and man, the bugs were horrible! I have tried the old trick of putting an “X” on the bite with my nail but that’s a big fail. HELP!! Any tricks on how to stop the itching?

Thanks to my sister, at least I have pretty nails to “X” them with!

What did YOU did this long weekend?!


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  1. lindsay says:

    whoa! those are smalls? what a large?? and wanna get rid of mosquitos, take a b12 vitamin before you go outside. it really works!

  2. Rae says:

    Thank you for sharing about your sweating! It made me feel so much better about my ability to fill a bucket!

    Envious over the small ice cream cones!

  3. Bonnie says:

    Your long weekend looked like fun, Sabrina! Mikey and I were in Abbotsford, BC helping to facilitate a YACC retreat…it was amazing (as usual)! ;) The mosquitoes weren’t too bad…I have NO advice when it comes to those puppies except to echo what Lindsay said – Vitamin B is supposed to help! I’ve heard it’s good to take the day before you plan to be outside with them and they stay away…pretty cool. Way to sweat it out on that run, and YES to giant ice cream cones. ;)

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