Running in the rain

5 Mar 2011 by Radioactive Runner, 10 Comments »

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend!

Todays run was definitely a character builder, either that or a character killer.  
I’m going with character builder though! It was a great run but a tough one at times. It poured rain the entire 22km. My glutes and calfs were verrrry sore (which is a good thing) from my hill workout the other day so it took the first 40 minutes for them to loosen up today. The wind and rain was against us for the first 11km; there were times where it felt like I was running on the spot, it was soo windy!! Thankfully when we turned around we had a nice tail wind for awhile, man was that ever nice!

When I finished, my watch read 2 hr right on, although I know it was a little longer because I forgot to restart my watch after I stopped to stretch.. oops.

wet but proud!

I felt good after my run… just really tired!! We’ll be ready for anything come race day. I just hope to God it won’t be anything like the wind and rain we got today. No thanks. My clothes were so wet that I had to ring them out before packing them up again. True story.

a big red mess

Today I was reminded why it’s important to use Body Glide when running long distances… even though I’ve never really had to worry about using it. Yes, there have been times where I should have used it under my arms but it didn’t really bother me or I didn’t really notice it until I get in the shower. Well let me tell you, I learned my lesson today. I have the worst rash under my arms and on my stomach (to much information?)…ouch!! I think if I had of ran any longer, my arms would have started bleeding. The stomach is a weird place to experience chafing, no? I’m pretty sure it was from my water belt and because my shirt was wet, it was rubbing. Wowzas, it’s sensitive and sore!! List of essentials to get before next long run:
1. Body Glide
2. Chi3
3. Body Glide
4. GU Chomps

Don’t worry, I will not forget that Glide. I came home and had an ice bath (more on that later) and plan to ice my knee shortly. Taking care of your body during recovery is key and helps in so many ways.

I have some sad news. I’m not Suzie-homemaker anymore… I’m now, Nurse Sabrina. Ok, maybe both… but I do enjoy it!

Remember how I mentioned we got a light snowfall the other day? I think I jinxed GMan because I specifically remembering saying, as he was going out the door, be careful you don’t fall, it will be slippery out. Guess what happened? He slipped and fell on his way to work and twisted his ankle. Yesterday it was getting worse along with the swelling, so I took him to the clinic. No, he did not have a choice.

THANKFULLY it’s not broken, although he did tear the ligaments and tendons. Ouchie. He’s a trooper and is doing okay :) I’m spoiling him and taking good care of him though.


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  1. lindsay says:

    oh no!!!! Poor guy! Hope he heals fast!

  2. Michelle says:

    Hope all works out and GMan gets healed……..and you keep spoiling him.
    But can I say Bahahhhaaah to your body glide comment?? As I told you I covered my body with glide before the rain run yesterday and still two spots- one at my ANKLE and one at my hip! So I can only imagine how painful your shower was!

    • Radioactive Runner says:

      Thanks Michelle!!
      and aren’t you funny…… lol Only two little spots? that’s not toooooo bad considering you actually used body glide. Hope you’re not in to much pain!!

  3. Bonnie says:

    Oh wow! Sorry to hear that – ice can be such a killer! What a pain. :(

    Great work on your run – I guess running with a group forces that accountability which is awesome…I probably wouldn’t have lasted 22 km! ;)

    • Radioactive Runner says:

      I bet you would have… you are a lot stronger than you think :)
      I hope we can go for a run sometime together, Bonnie!!

      • Bonnie says:

        Yes! I would love that! I’d actually like to join a running group at some point soon… I think that accountability and comraderie would be so neat, like my high school cross country and track days. It’d be so fun to run with you! And thanks for the encouragement – you’re so affirming. :)

  4. […] it may seem like I mention the weather a lot but it goes from one extreme to the other. After running in the rain  for two hours on Saturday and it pouring all day, we woke up to a bunch of snow on Sunday. Why Why […]

  5. […] the other day I made GMan some Peanut Butter Hot Fudge Cupcakes. Remember, he hurt himself? Well, I’m doing my job and taking good care of him. I’m happy to report that he is […]

  6. […] In regards to my recovery after my race, I was fine. I probably would have been better if I had an ice bath but alas – I did not. I was definitely sore for a couple of days but other than than no complaints. GMan and I were quite the pair… remember what happened? […]

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