Family, best friends and a sore back.

22 Sep 2011 by Radioactive Runner, 10 Comments »

So we are still alive and well. I know, I’ve been slacking at blogging but it’s for good reason. I have been taking care of G-Man and nursing him back to health. Well, as much as I can anyways. We went to my parents this weekend and while getting ready for a photo shoot, G-Man pulled his back out. So he spent the rest of the day on the floor. There’s really nothing one can do with a messed up back other than wait for it to heal itself. Although we’ve been to the chiropracters a couple of times, the doctors to get a prescription… slowly but surely he is getting better.

I was pumped to get up early and hit the country roads for a run. I know I’ve said it before but I love running on the country roads. Its so peaceful and makes me reminisce about the many miles I’ve ran down those roads at different times in my life.

I had an AMAZING run! I ran 12.08km and ran them feeling strong and kept a good pace throughout. I was able to power up the hills and the adrenaline rush gave me that much more energy to finish strong! I was a on a high all morning. Don’t you just love that feeling?

I was able to visit with some of my best friends whom I hadn’t seen in far too long. I have the best. girlfriends. ever. I cherish the time I can spend with them especially since I live farther away and don’t get to see them as much as I would like to.

My Mom loaded me up with fresh tomatos and peppers from the neighbours garden. YUM!

This morning I ran a painful 8km. It was awful. I got out the door later than normal. It looked beautiful outside but failed to realize it was a whopping 22 degrees. I had on black shorts and a black long sleeve shirt. I was dehydrated and so hot I thought I was going to pass out. I ended up taking half of my shirt off and running with one arm bare and the other covered. I don’t like running in my sports bra in the city but I thought that would be better than someone finding me passed out on the side of the road.

So now the kids are in full-swing of their school schedules and week night routines. Last night I was reading some forms that we got at “meet the teacher” night. I was absolutely appalled to read that the kids have gym only two, yes TWO days a week. I think that is RIDICULOUS. No wonder kids are becoming more and more overweight these days…. ah, but I won’t get started on that.

Do you think two gym classes a week is too little?
~ most definitely. Kids spend a large amount of time at school and it is part of the schools responsibilities to teach them and reinforce the benefits about being ACTIVE and HEALTHY.


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  1. lindsay says:

    i hope that 22 degrees celcius. haha. Glad you had a good 12k run, gotta focus on the good ones, right?
    And poor hubs, the back is no fun. My hubs had that too. Lots of icing alternating with heat packs.

  2. Bonnie says:

    22! phew! That IS warm! Loved that you had a good run, understand that you had a bad one. The good with the bad – that is truly the stuff of life right there. ;) Glad you had a good time away! Sorry to hear about G-Man’s back…never had a back injury but it sounds so painful. :( “Get well soon, G-Man!”

    Glad to hear from you friend! No pressure in the blogging world, but I do love to see a new post from you. Better than that though, it’s great you’re enjoying life.

    Personally, I think gym 2x/week is okay if there’s recess too – that’s built in movement and fun right there! Super important.

  3. Heidi Nicole says:

    Ditching the shirt on a hot run is totally acceptable…if it was a chilly fall morning then I’d give you the side eye!

    I think the lack of organized/promoted activity in schools is contributing to more than just obesity (which parents need to take some responsiblity for). I think it is a huge factor in the number of kids on ADD/ADHD meds. Yes, those are real disorders but not all levels need medication – a little extra activity and planned energy outlets can make a huge difference!

    • Radioactive Runner says:

      I completely agree with you, Heidi! I most definitely think parents needs to take responsibility aswell but it’s unfortunate that many do not.

  4. […] was low key yet enjoyable… G-Man is still nursing his back, so no back-flips or crazy bike rides were to be […]

  5. JT says:

    Here is my opinion:

    more holidays at school, more PD days, every second Friday off; these are the kinds of things that I believe take away from the kids in school today getting the time for learning the curriculum (sp? see I must need to go back to school) and gym is something that is expendable. Physical activity is something that can be “taught” at home but unfortunately some parents today are busy and lazy. Two days a week in gym is not enough, not if kids are eating unhealthy diets and sitting in front of the tv and computer for hours at home. But whadda ya do? Parents today need to take the “physical activity” bull by the horns, and take the responsibility.

    • Radioactive Runner says:

      Thanks for sharing your opinion JT. You made some really good points. That’s the unfortunate thing is that a lot of kids don’t get the extra physical activity outside of school. Things have changed so much. I remember coming home from school and playing outside until it was time for dinner. Now, it’s all about video games, computers or anything else related to technology. I’m not saying ALL families/kids are like this but in my opinion a large majority are.

  6. […] of working out, my runs have really been sucking lately. I haven’t had a good run since my awesome run on the country roads. What’s the deal?! My legs are tight, I can’t find my groove and at times the bottoms […]

  7. Me The G says:

    As a photographer I would say that your G-Man’s fake smile is reallllly bad. So bad that you can see that its FAKE!!! Hahaha….just saying.

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