Happy face

19 Apr 2011 by Radioactive Runner, 6 Comments »

Hey All!!

So remember how I mentioned that Spring had arrived? Well that was a big fat tease because it was snowing all day yesterday and it’s pretty chilly outside today. NOT COOL!

I survived the weekend… it was a fun time with the students but man, was I ever happy to arrive home.
Ottawa is a beautiful city! I would love to go back and spend more time there. I was really kicking myself in the !@* for not having studied French all through highschool. I can speak Spanish and Italian but I can’t speak my countries second official language. Awesome. (I can understand a bit of it though :))

It was a busy weekend and we got to see and visit lots of places.

One of the places being the Parliament Building, with a guided tour.

this was part of the ceiling in the museum... pretty neat!

We went to the National Museum of Canada… lots of things to see there.

We went to see RIO and it was soo cute!! The soundtrack was awesome and I thoroughly enjoyed the movie!!
In regards to food, I packed a bunch of fruit, trail mix, homemade granola bars and of course my water bottle that I take with me everywhere I go. Yeah it was great, not even an hour within being on the bus, a banana was smushed throughout my entire bag… just my luck.. oh and it smelt really great too. Not!  I wanted to try and eat as healthy as I could while away.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get much sleep because SOMEBODY was snoring like it’s nobody’s business. It was insane. We were not happy campers in the morning but we put on our happy faces

the fury in our eyes is the real deal.

I packed my running clothes.. I thought it would be nice to run the Streets of Ottawa but after getting there and taking a look, I thought twice. Our hotel was right downtown, all the buildings looked the same to me and plus I’m a scaredy cat to run in the dark in a city I don’t know. Ok, let’s be honest, I’m a scaredy cat to run in the dark period. I couldn’t believe how busy it was either. So I decided to hit the hotel gym instead.

I woke up at 4:45am on Saturday and had a good 50 min run on the treadmill, did some arm weights and stretched a bit. I was so tired but so glad I woke up to get a workout in…especially since I had been sitting for soooo long on the bus.

If you want to get your sweat on, just go to the gym with your outside running gear on… holy bananas it was hot!

too early

I set my alarm for 5:15am on Sunday but I was so tired I didn’t even hear it. Thankfully we had a mistake wake-up call fifteen minutes later, so I was able to hit the gym again for just over an hour. I ran hard on the treadmill for 55 mins and had an awesome workout. For every song change, I would change the incline and speed to pick it up a bit and if it was a mellow song, I would slow it down a bit. I also did 10 mins. on the elliptical for a cool down.

a red, sweaty mess...but feeling good!

Even though I was exercising and trying to eat healthy while away, I did treat myself to one of these


A Beaver Tail!! Ottawa is famous for them. It was SO good! I had the original flavor – cinnamon sugar. I want to eat another one right now just thinking about it.

This morning, I had a good 13km run with the Runners’ Edge crew. I almost whimped out when I looked out the window but decided otherwise …. and am I ever glad that I did!


Do you speak any other languages?

What’s your favorite city to visit?!


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  1. lindsay says:

    now you’ve got me curious….what does a beaver tail look like?

  2. Sabrina says:

    Do you want me to upload a picture for you to see?! I can :)

  3. Joyce says:

    We went as a family to Ottawa for winterlude in February a couple of years ago. Enjoyed the city but it was sooo cold! We went skating on the canal and had fresh Beavertails but they froze as we were eating them, next time I’ll have one indoors.

  4. tricia says:

    great job getting in the hotel runs!

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