Race day – finally!

29 Mar 2011 by Radioactive Runner, 17 Comments »

As you obviously know (because I’ve only mentioned it about 2000 times) this past Sunday, I ran my first ever 30km road race.

I ran the last 12km of the course on one of my training runs and it didn’t go so hot but I was determined to not think about that on race day.

Two of my running buddies rode up with me and we arrived in lots of time. I was surprised at how calm and relaxed I felt that morning… once we got to the venue all I wanted to do was sit, chill and rest my legs before having to stretch and get going. So that’s just what I did.

My awesome Parents drove down to cheer me on which I appreciated SO very much!! It was so awesome to have them there.

Coach B led all the Runners’ Edge runners through our regular warm-up and stretches that we normally do.

We can do the best planks in town.

When I was trying to think about what I would write in this post, part of me was at a loss for words. That doesn’t happen very often.

chuckling about something

i’m addicted to lip chap. putting it on for the last time before the race… i’m taking it with me next time!!

Was I disappointed I didn’t finish in the time I was hoping? Absolutely.

Was I going to let that get me down and deter me from celebrating what I DID accomplish? Heck no.

I am proud of myself for completing my first 30km and was so happy to cross that finish line.

I’m not even going to tell you my pace because it’s embarrassing but I will tell you that I started out well, was on pace and ran the first 10km in 55:42. Before I even hit the 10km mark I got a severe side stitch and it stuck with me for the majority of the race. If it wasn’t in my side, the pain would shoot up to my left collar bone. Annoying and painful! I tried to push through it a couple of times but there were times where I just stopped to walk to try and stretch it out and breath deep.

There was never a time throughout the race where I wanted to quit and give up. I got mad at myself because I was going so slow but then I would snap out of it and remind myself to just enjoy the race and just focus on the finish line. So that I did! I had a weird feeling throughout the race though, I don’t even know how to explain it. My heart and mind wanted and knew I could go faster but my body wouldn’t let me… but that’s okay.

I saw my sister and brother-in-law at KM 18 and that was an awesome boost. What is it with running and emotions? When I saw them I got all emotional and almost started crying. I was teary even before the race when I was hugging my Mom for luck. It was her fault though.. she started it :)

The sense of community with the Runners’ Edge group (before, during and after the race) was amazing and so inspiring! I feel so priviledged to be part of such a dedicated and supportive group of runners. There was encouragement and hugs all around, fellow runners cheering us on throughout the course and positive energy all around. I am so so thankful for Coach B who helped each one of us along. He ran the race himself (and killed it!) yet he came back out to run some of us in. The extra push and encouragement he gave me at the end helped me so much and I was able to finish strong. Thank you SO much, Coach B!!

Over 7000 people ran the 30km.

I was so impressed with how organized this race was, not only for runners but for spectators aswell. It was nice they had a warm place to sit for the entire time rather than standing out in the cold for hours.. and I say hours because it took me 3. This race was hard. It’s not only a physical test but more so a mental test, especially that killer hill at the end.

 I’m already looking forward to running ATB next year and beating that time.

proudly showing off our medals!

I know I can do it. With determination, dedication, a great support system and a positive attitude, I know I can push myself and accomplish great things.


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  1. melanie says:

    Sabrina don’t knock yourself down about your time. You completed the race, you finished a task you started. Take it from the slowest, oldest broad on the team, we are there to experience the day, to experience the people around us who have challenges, (did you see the blind runner?), to experience the love that is felt from our friends whom we have bonded with during our training runs. We are there to just relish in an excersise that puts us in a group of people that have done the extraordinary! Congratulations to you for a job well done!
    love, melanie

    • Radioactive Runner says:

      Congratulations to you too, Melanie!! You are so right about everything you said.. and you know what, I’m so glad I talked to you before the race because I did take your advice! I enjoyed the race, my time out there and I was definitely inspired by the people around me. Every Tues. and Thurs. I looked forward to seeing my running buddies and still do. Can’t wait for our next challenge and adventures as a team.
      Rest up this week!! xo

  2. cristina says:

    Sabrina. i agree with melanie it doesn’t matter if you never reach your time goal for the race..The important is you did it and you finished strong. We’re so blessed to have supported coach to run with us few minutes away from the finish line and also a supportive running club. It’s a great experience for us.Great challange for our running career!! All i can say im so proud of you!! You did it and i did it!!!! Congrats!!!

    Until we run again,
    cristina xoxo:-)

  3. Radioactive Runner says:

    I am SO proud of you too, Cristina!! The support out there was amazing and such a great experience.
    Thanks for your kind words. Enjoy your rest week and see you soon! xo

  4. Mari-Ann says:

    Your post made ME emotional. I am just starting to train for my first 10km run in May, but all of these feelings, the excitment and even the stitch! all reminders of reasons to push through. S, you should know you are inspiring people! I am so proud of you! Congratulations on finishing your first 30km race. WOOOT!!!


    • Sabrina says:

      Thank you sooo much Mari-Ann, that means sos much to me!!
      That is AWESOME you are training for your first 10km!! How exciting!!! What event will you run? Enjoy the training and keep me posted on how it goes! xo

      • Mari-Ann says:

        Will do! I am going to enter the Mississauga Marathon 10km race with a girlfriend of mine! It’s super crazy to see the work ahead of me even for a small race, but heck, I would never thought in my wildest dreams I would be a runner, and now I am!!! :)

  5. Sam (your sista!) says:

    Congrats on finishing a great race!! Ron and I were SO excited when we spotted you and were able to cheer you on :) It was exciting just being there as a spectator … I can just imagine the feeling you had crossing the finish line. I’m so proud of you.

    Hearing about your training and watching you run has been motivating … I might just take it up since the weather is getting nicer. Wouldn’t it be SO fun if we ran a half marathon together? Ahhhh YES it would be!!! I’ll let you know how my first run goes ;)

    • Sabrina says:

      Thanks, Sista :)
      Dooo ittttt!!!!!!!!!!!!! That would be SO MUCH FUN to run a half marathon together.. let’s start planning!! Honestly, it would be such a great experience. Thanks again to you and Ron for all your support!! I was sooo happy to see you out there :)

  6. Bonnie says:

    WAY TO GO! I’ve been waiting to see this post and loved catching up on how your race went! Well done! :D Your perspective was so honest and resonated with me – I understand how it is to not reach your goal time (hard! sometimes disappointing!) and yet be content with the fact that you DID IT! So I hear you on that. :D Continue celebrating and keep loving GMan well – sounds like he is a wonderful, supportive, and fun husband! Congrats again!

    • Sabrina says:

      Thanks so much, Bonnie!! Reading about your runs/goals and your positive energy has inspired me and always reminds me that we should be proud of ourselves for just getting out there and being active!
      Thanks again!!

  7. lindsay says:

    oh this post gave me chills. I am so happy for you! What a great race with great support!

  8. Darlene says:

    We are so proud that you have accomplished a goal you set out to do. As parents we always knew you would be able to do it! We were glad to be able to watch. It was so nice to meet the people from your running group, it is obvious you all care deeply for each other. The love and support you get from G man has helped you to accomplish your goals. We knew you could do it.

  9. […] regards to my recovery after my race, I was fine. I probably would have been better if I had an ice bath but alas – I did not. I […]

  10. […] runs every week because I’m going to run them with the Runner’s Edge crew and I loved training with them last year.  Before our runs, we stretch a bit at the store, run about 1.5 km and then stretch a little […]

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