About RAR

23 Jan 2011 by Radioactive Runner, 9 Comments »


I was diagnosed with Follicular variant of Papillary thyroid cancer in 2007 and my treatment consisted of radioactive iodine. I ran before I was diagnosed and continue to run today. Plus, I thought Radioactive Runner has a nice ring to it (don’t you?), so I stuck with it!

My Madre and I - a couple weeks before my first surgery.

Recently, I became interested in the blogging world and have enjoyed following a few on healthy living. I thought there was no better way to become part of it then to start my own. I’ve always kept track of my training by writing in a training log but have decided there is no better way to make myself more accountable than blogging it on the World Wide Web (eek, scary!).

I have been wanting to run Around the Bay (a 30km road race) for the past two years and it hasn’t worked out. Well, I thought since it’s a new year, there is no time like the present. It’s now or never, sister! I have registered to run it and have started training. I have only had a couple of panick attacks since then asking myself why. Thankfully that questioning as turned into excitement! I think (I hope) that I will make myself that much more accountable with my training by sharing it on here with all of you.

I enjoy all things fitness related. Staying active and fit is important to me. I’m also taking the steps to try new foods, recipes and actually really enjoying it. If you ask my husband, I’m not sure he would say the same! Let me be clear in saying that this is not a food journal. I’ve tried that on paper and definitely don’t want to share that with the world. No one would ever believe how much chocolate this girl can eat in a day or how many times she can ask her husband “Do you want to have a snack with me?”. I’ve had a love hate relationship with food for many years. After exercising for all the wrong reasons and not treating my body as my temple, I feel comfortable enough to say that I have found my happy medium and continue learning along the way. Yes, at times I have the urge to count every little calorie but I now know how to say no and control that urge and I realize that it’s not the end of the world if I take a day off from the gym or running.

What I will write about is my training, workouts, favorite recipes (bless my husband’s heart for testing them out!) or findings. Aswell as what I do along with my family, to maintain a healthy body and healthy mind…along with whatever other random ideas come to my head.

I love hearing peoples stories! So please, don’t be shy to comment or write.



  1. Tolu says:

    Hey Sabrina,
    Wow i really got a new perspective from reading your story, I am glad you overcame the big C (as you called it) and i’m glad i met you. Thanks for sharing

  2. Radioactive Runner says:

    Thanks so much Tolu!! I’m glad I met you too :)

  3. lindsay says:

    yes, your perspective is uplifting and inspiring. I’m so glad to have read it!

  4. Amanda says:

    Great Blog! All the best to you and your goals!!!

  5. Nancy says:

    Are you in my area? My boyfriend has been doing the Around The Bay (Hamilton, right?) race for a few years and I always go to cheer him on.

    So glad I found your blog through SkinnyRunner :)

  6. Loving your blog! Your story is so inspirational :)

  7. So glad I found your blog! What an inspiring story you have!

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Thanks for stopping by! I am a runner, a wife, a stepmother and a cancer survivor. Hablo español and parlo italiano. I run hard, eat well, and I am trying to live better everyday because we only have one chance at this adventure called life. I will be writing about these topics and everything in between. Take a look around and stay for awhile!

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