Random Sunday

16 Oct 2011 by Radioactive Runner, 8 Comments »

Well, it’s official. The running shorts are packed away and the fall tights are out. I could have actually put my head band on to cover my ears because it was pretty windy.


I went for an easy 30 minute run this morning. It was alright.. nothing overly special but I was glad I got my legs moving and a morning run in. I have been running with my iPod lately and today I officially decided that it drives me crazy. I really enjoy listening to music but I find the iPod itself to be such a hassle… whether the cord gets tangled, or I stop to skip a song, or… I don’t know, maybe I’m just the crazy OCD one. That’s probably the case eh. My calves have been HURTING lately and I feel like I have knots in them. What causes this? GMan has tried to massage them out for me but the knots are still there. Any suggestions?

IMG_2518 so attractive… i know.

On the news the other day they were talking about how often one should wash their hair. Well, they interviewed a lady that washes her hair every 6-7 weeks. YES, WEEKS! Can you believe it? I can’t. She must not exercise or sweat and if she does.. well, what’s her secret?

Have you heard about this Lady? She and her family vowed to not buy food from supermarkets, convenience stores, box stores or restaurants for ONE YEAR. You can check out her blog here. Although they have completed their year, they plan to continue on. Could you go one year WITHOUT grocery stores and restaurants? I think it would be really difficult to go without grocery stores. I love grocery shopping – most of the time. Restaurants, I could do without… I think.
Last night GMan and I watched an interesting (and horrifying all the same) on CNN with Anderson Cooper; Bullying: It Stops Here – and learned about the documentary The Bully Project. Have you heard about it? You can watch the trailer HERE. It is eye opening, heart breaking and gives viewers an idea of what some children and families go through on a daily basis. One thing that absolutely SHOCKED me was that a school district in Minnesota does not allow teachers to discuss homosexuality in school (source). Kids are being beat on verbally and physically on a daily basis and if they go to a school councillor for help and explain the situation and the names they are being called by the bullies,  the staff then tell the victims to “not use that language” whether it be the F word or the word “gay”. They totally ignore the fact that the child’s self-esteem is being beat down and that they are trying to reach out for help. How can a system fail their students on such a high level? I could in no way imagine sending my child to school knowing that they are not being protected. In fact, one boy left school and is now home schooled because he felt so unsafe and was bullied so badly at school because of his sexuality.

I know this is such a complex topic but I feel it does not get the attention it deserves. I know there will always be bullies in life but it is our responsibility as a society, as parents, communities and especially in schools, to protect our kids. Where the hell are the bullies parents? I think it starts in the home and escalates from there. Go check out The Bully Project trailer and pass it on!

Have a happy Sunday all!!


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  1. lindsay says:

    run without an ipod. I do! so much better. And that is one cool blog. I kinda wanna do that! maybe in NZ we will.

  2. Heidi Nicole says:

    I rarely run with music – partly because of what you are experiencing, it gets distracting. That and the fact I’m far too lazy to actually download music…

    Have you tried rolling out your calves? With The Stick or a Tiger Tail….or a rolling pin works just fine. When my calves get all knotted up it helps a ton.

  3. Bonnie says:

    Hey Sabrina! Happy Sunday to you, and great work on getting out despite the wind and cold! Calgary is just a few days away from going to running tights…mine are out, that’s for sure, and I’ve transitioned to capris for sure. ;)

    Not sure about the tight calves…maybe you’re running more on your toes? Not sure!

    Great blog links…haven’t heard of anything you mentioned but I’ll have to check them out. Have a great end to your weekend…I miss you!! – oh! and we’ll be back first weekend of Nov for a YACC event…maybe we can get together!

    • Radioactive Runner says:

      I miss you too, Bonnie!! That would be awesome to get together.. keep me posted :)
      You know what… I skipped a lot on Thursday (in just socks – no shoes).. maybe that’s why my calves are so tight. who knows! I hope you guys had a great wknd in Ottawa!!

  4. A year with no grocery stores?! How? Must check that out!

    Have you tried The Stick for your calves? Or, compressions socks? My fav brand is The Recovery Sock because it is so durable. I have the link on my blog if you want to check it out.

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