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16 Jun 2011 by Radioactive Runner, 2 Comments »

I bet you all thought that I forgot about you…. well guess what… I’m baaaaacckk!!!

I wish I could tell you that I had gone travelling for awhile, visiting the Americas and salsa dancing in between laying on the beach… but alas, that’s not the case.

I did however try to write a few posts the last few weeks but in all honesty, I fell asleep at the computer every. single. time. Things have been busy and I guess I was just really tired… or else I really just suck at balancing things… which could very well be the case.

Summer is here and I couldn’t be happier!! The tights, gloves, hats, and layers of warm running clothes are packed away and the tank tops and shorts are at the top of my drawer.

I did take a break from running but continued to work out a bit at home. I was just finding it so hard to get motivated which is ridiculous because I trained all winter in some pretty crazy cold weather. Owell, that’s the past right? The good news is that I’m back running and finding out how much it sucks to be out of shape start up again after taking a break. Lately, my longest run has been no longer than 50 minutes (*tear). But I have no one to blame other than myself. With that being said, it feels great to be running again and I am really enjoying it…. and I must say it feels mighty good to not have to put 4 layers on before going out the door.

Thankfully, I have gotten some good runs in and feel soo much better afterwards. Like today for instance… other than the fact that I was a dummy and went around the hottest time of day. Thank goodness I had my handy water bottles or G-Man probably would have found me passed out on the road.

a bit delirious at this point... sooo hot out.. and soo flattering eh. ha!

I’ve also been doing some of this and man is it a good workout. An easy workout to get your heart rate up in a short amount of time:

Awhile ago I mentioned  The Wrong Way to Hope film tour. Well, back in May, G-Man and I went to a screening and I’m so glad we did. The film was amazing and definitely worth the hour drive. I hope a lot of you were able to see it aswell. The best part was that I finally got to meet the famous Bonnie!

We had communicated so much via our blogs and email it was so awesome to finally meet in person. Bonnie is a beautiful person inside and out and she is so genuine. Her and her husband Mikey, are so much fun to be around!

I miss my blogging friends and look forward to catching up with all of you!

How do you get back on track after taking a break or feeling a lack of motivation? Any tips!? Let’s hear them!!


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  1. Bonnie says:

    Hey Sabrina! Great to see you blogging again…we miss you guys! You certainly stand out in memory from that trip and we really felt like we connected – all 4 of us! Keep up the running – slow and steady getting back into it – and enjoy it to the fullest as you move. Have a great weekend!

  2. Sabrina says:

    We miss you too!!
    Thanks so much Bonnie, it’s good to be back and be connected once again. You are so right… and that’s what I keep reminding myself “slow and steady” and just enjoying it. I hope you guys are doing well and had a good experience on the river!

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